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Book Certificate Lost Advertisement Easily and More Cost Effectively Only Via Newspaperadagency.Com

By Gauri Agarwal Oct 20, 2018

Certificates are extremely important documents. They are required for job interviews, for progress in your career, for entrepreneurial ventures etc. Now, these certificates are usually issued by a certain authority in the field that you are working in. In case of any loss of these certificates, getting them back from the concerned authority can be quite a hassle if you do not have a proof that it has been misplaced or stolen. That is when you have to publish and announcement advert or a certificate lost ad in newspaper to declare that your certificate is misplaced.


How to give an advertisement for Missing Documents in Newspaper?

By Gauri Agarwal Oct 20, 2018

Realizing to miss some important documents can be a scariest dream of opened eyes for anyone. Important documents can be any essential valuable papers that can land you in a big financial, legal or social trouble. Missing of original passing mark sheets, property deeds, driving license, business agreement, passport etc. can be consider as important documents.


How to Advertise For Lost Certificates in News Paper

By Gauri Agarwal Jul 21, 2016

It can be a nightmare for someone to lose their important documents that can be mark sheets, payment check, property deeds etc., as it can lead to misuse of original documents or financial loses. In these kinds of situations one should be aware about what to do and how get the new one.


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